Jumat, 26 Juni 2015

Visit Semak Daun Island Near Form Jakarta

Visit Semak Daun Island Near Form Jakarta

Friday, 11 April 2013 around 05.30 am we are getting to the port of Muara Angke, to get to an island called Pulau Bush leaves, to get to the port of Muara Angke takes 2 hours, when he got in the port of Muara Angke did not take long to wait, ship which will mengakut us to the island was daylight departed. To get the destination island, a 5 hour trip.

At 10:30 am we have arrived on the Panggang island for transit, then forwarded by using small boats lebuh. At 11.00 we reached the island Scouting for lunch break and carry Prayer Friday. After lunch and Friday Prayer we immediately rushed  to the island on the go, but before it reached the island in the heading, we do segiatan Snorkling

Do not want waste time. The next afternoon I and others looking for a good object for memorialized around the island. Below photos - photos that I can capture, a separate shells, tucked in among the coral on the beach. Once satisfied snorkling enjoy the underwater beauty. We went straight to the destination island of Pulau Semak Daun. Around 15:30 we had reached the island Semak Daun
so much beauty scenery there, second most in the waiting moment there is a sunset and sunrise. At about 17:35 local time awaited moment finally arrived "Sunset" with the camera settings in manual mode, the F / 22.1 / 100sec, ISO-100 and a 55mm lens. Can be produced the photo as below.

With the images as such, I feel quite satisfied. Not satisfied with this photo just one more moment that I wait for sunrise. But it still feels a long time, we fill the night time with dinner, burn campfire, playing cards and telling each other to one another.

Night has passed, when the dawn daylight to rise, this saaatnya sunrise to capture the moment. I and others immediately Preparing the camera and tripod. The camera and tripod already siangan, when the camera settings, I set the camera invitation aperture f / 5.6, 1/25 sec, ISO-200. Finally the moment of sunrise can be enshrined.

Not far from the coast there are quite a lot of mangrove trees. An object that will not be missed. I took this photo with the additional light that aids internal Flash, aiming for the backlight

That glimpse of the natural beauty of Indonesia, particularly the island Semak Daun which near of Jakarta and of course there are many more Indonesian natural beauty and enshrined unexplored. A very memorable experience and exciting in my life.

Sabtu, 30 Mei 2015

Computer And Photography Is My World

Photography and computer are two different fields. In the language of Photography barasal from the Greek word meaning light Photos, whereas pornography comes from the word meaning Grafo paint. Merging the two words into Photography which means drawing with light painting. While, computer is an electronic system that has the ability to manipulate data quickly and accurately as well as designed and organized in order to automatically receive and store input data, process it and produce the output under the control of a step-by-step instruction program (OS / Operating System) stored in its storage (Donald H. Sanderes, 1985) 1

I really like these two fields, computers and photography. I really like these two fields, computers and photography. Photography other than to channel my hobbies can also generate revenue. Every beautiful moment can i save n photo, While computer can help me in doing all the work. Such as writing, calculating, design, editing, saving photo files, browsing information from the internet, etc.

Will never feel bored when it is using a camera or computer. Photo I like is landscape photography, photo model, pre-wedding photos, wedding photos. After taking pitures i save in media store on the computer, then I preview all photos. After that if there is one good photograph, I separate them in a special folder. foto yang terbaik nantinya saya akan unggah pada sosial  media seperti facebook, flicker, dan instagram. My best photo will be uploaded on a social media such as facebook, flicker, and instagram.

Rabu, 22 April 2015

What Is Grammer ???

Definition Grammar
Grammar is the structural foundation of our ability to express ourselves. The more we are aware of how it works, the more we can monitor the meaning and effectiveness of the way we and others use language. It can help foster precision, detect ambiguity, and exploit the richness of expression available in English. And it can help everyone--not only teachers of English, but teachers of anything, for all teaching is ultimately a matter of getting to grips with meaning.
(David Crystal, "In Word and Deed." TES Teacher, April 30, 2004)

Function and Benefit Learning Grammar 
We can build conseptual map of English Structure. What we say and write not just come out , but also structured. By learning English grammar we also increase our ability to use effective force to train our expression in speech and writing. Allows us to break the rules of grammar itself with truth.
In addition, by mastreing grammar of English we are able to assess that the use of English language that does not comply with the standart does not mean sistematis

Selasa, 21 April 2015

How to change background images using Adobe Photoshop

Has a unique photo would be very pleasant, especially for those who like to take photos. One way we can do to make our photos look unique or different is to change the backgroun  photo of our own . In this post, I will try to share an easy way to change the background image in Photoshop by using a tool called the Polygonal Lasso Tool. Photoshop that I use is Photoshop CS6. For those who do not have Photoshop CS6, not to worry, because the look and fiturs not too much different , so this tutorial can still be used in Photoshop - Photoshop before. Here's the tutorial.

Step 1 
Open the Photoshop program and open the image you wish to edit by clicking FILE > OPEN or click CTRL + O on the keyboard . Do not forget if you do not want to change the image of the original theand you should duplicate the first photo by right-clicking on the title area of ​​a picture and click DUPLICATE, then press ENTER or click OK, as shown below : ( then close the original photo )
Step 2 
Change the Background layer in the Layers into Layer 0 (zero) by double -click on the background layer , until the display appears as shown below , then press ENTER or click OK .

The background layer has now turned into LAYER o as shown in Figure The marked red in Down

Step 3 
On the Menu tool on the left window, select / click the polygon  lasso tool, or can directly press the    letter L on the keyboard to make it faster. For feather  magnitude can be adjusted to our wishes, but inthis tutorial should not be too large because it will take effect during the cutting area of ​​the image, 
preferably about numbers 0-2. See the picture below :
Step 4 
After the polygonal lasso tool selected / clicked then do select an area on the image . Click on the image area and then point the pointer ( mouse ) to select the image and then click , then point to point and click again , and so on until back at the beginning of lay / clicking the mouse on the image and then double- click , for more details, see the instructions shown below:
Step 5 
After doing a double click of the mouse, then the area will be selected as shown below : (selected area indicated by the dashed line at the photo)
 Step 6
 Before to cutting image selected, click the SELECT menu on the menu bar and then select Inverse or press button CTRL + SHIFT + I on the keyboard.
Step 7
Press DELETE on the keyboard so that the selected area had become cut off and looks like the image below :

Step 8
Open the image that will be used as a substitute for the background by selecting the File menu and 
then select OPEN, then select the desired image. In this tutorial I chose a photo of my roses will makethe background to photograph Song Hye Kyo who had been edited , then the photograph roses newly opened , DRAG image photo to Song Hye Kyo (photos roses into Layer 1 is in on Layer 0 ) . After that, the layer of roses select the EDIT menu and then select the FREE TRANSFORM or press CTRL +T on the keyboard and adjust the size of the rose flower photo by using Pointer ( Mouse ) in areas as shown below :
Step 9 
Once the position to be used as background picture you want it to, then move the position of Layer 1 ( roses ) who had been on top of the layer 0 ( Song Hye Kyo ) be the opposite of Layer 1 is under a layer of 0. See the picture below this :
Step 10 
After the position of the layer is moved , then the end result like this :
Finally the output, like this below :
Save as in your directory where you want. 
Ok Thanks and Bye...

Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

Fotografi dan Komputer

Fotografi dan komputer merupakan dua bidang yang berbeda.  Secara bahasa Fotografi barasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu kata Photos berarti cahaya, sedangkan grafi berasal dari kata grafo yang artinya melukis. Penggabungan dua kata tersebut menjadi Photography (dalam penulisan bahasa Inggris) atau Fotografi yang berarti melukis menggambar dengan cahaya.  Untuk komputer sendiri adalah system elektronik yang memiliki kemampuan memanipulasi data dengan cepat dan tepat serta dirancang dan diorganisasikan agar secara otomatis menerima dan menyimpan data input, memprosesnya dan menghasilkan output dibawah pengawasan suatu langkah-langkah instruksi program (OS / Operating System) yang tersimpan didalam penyimpanannya (Donald H. Sanderes, 1985)1 .
Pada awal kemunculannya fotografi bekerja dalam sistem analog, dalam artian tidak berhubungan dengan perangkat elektronik yang bekerja dalam system digital. Sedangkan Komputer bekerja dengan system digital, yang bertolak belakang dengan fotografi. Sehingga butuh keahlian khusus yang harus dimiliki untuk menggeluti dunia fotografi.
Namun dengan perkembangan ilmu pengatahuan dan teknologi, dunia fotogafi lambat laun beralih ke sistem digital, meskipun masih ada yang meggunakan system analog. Dahulunya fotografi memanfaatkan film (seluloid) untuk merekam cahaya sehingga membentuk sebuah citra atau gambar. Tapi sekarang memanfaatkan sensor gambar sebagai media rekam serta mikroprosesor sebagai pengoalahan data digital untuk menghasilkan sebuah gambar.  
Dengan peralihan ke sistem digital ini, bukan hal yang mustahil untuk sebuah gambar  dapat diolah kembali. Tidak seperti pada system analog, yang sangat sulit untuk diolah kembali setalah foto terbentuk. Pengolahan ini sering disebut Pengolahan Citra, secara pengertian Pengolahan citra adalah pemrosesan citra, khususnya dengan menggunakan komputer, menjadi citra yang kualitasnya lebih baik.Meskipun sebuah citra kaya informasi, namun seringkali citra yang kita miliki mengalami penurunan mutu (degradasi ), misalnya mengandung cacat atau derau (noise), warnanya terlalu kontras, kurang tajam, kabur (blurring), dan sebagainya. Tentu saja citra semacam ini menjadi lebih sulit diinterpretasi karena informasi yang disampaikan oleh citra tersebut menjadi berkurang2.
Tentuntya pengolahan citra atau foto ini dilakukan secara komputerisasi, yang membutuhkan perangkat komputer sebagai media pengolahan citra atau foto tersebut. Sehingga dizaman sekarang ini,  hubungan antara fotografi dan komputer tidak bisa terpisahkan lagi. Pada kamera pun telah dilengkapi dengan interface atau perangkat antarmuka, yang dapat berfungsi terkoneksi dengan komputer untuk mentransfer data yaitu berupa foto.
Ditambah lagi dengan perkembahan telepon genggam atau Handphone yang telah dilengakapi dengan kamera dan fitur-fitur fotografi, sehingga masyarakat dapat dengan mudah melalukan kegiatan fotografi, kemudian mengolah hasil fotoya dengan komputer sesuai denag keinginan masing masing. Untuk pengolahan citra banyak contoh perangkat lunak yang dapat di gunakan seperti Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Paint, Corel Photo-Paint, dan Corel Painter3 .

Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

Pengertian dan Fungsi Abstrak

A. Pengertian Abstrak

Pengertian umum abstrak merupakan penyajian singkat mengenai isi tulisan sehingga pada tulisan, ia menjadi bagian tersendiri. Abstrak berfungsi untuk menjelaskan secara singkat kepada pembaca.

Sedangkan pengertian khusus abstrak adalah sesuatu yang dilihat tidak mengacu kepada obyek atau peristiwa khusus. Abstraksi menyajikan secara simbolis atau secara konseptual serta secara imajinatif sesuaru yang tidak dialami secara langsung.

Jadi abstrak adalah kata yang menunjukan kepada sifat, keadaan dan kegiatan yang dilepas dari objek tertentu. Pemahaman akan pengertian abstrak sepertinya masih dianggap sebagai suatu yang sulit bahkan tak teraplikasi. Sebagaimana tertera di atas, suatu perikatan adalah suatu pengertian abstrak (dalam arti tidak dapat dilihat dengan mata), maka suatu perjanjian adalah suatu peristiwa atau kejadian yang konkret. Misalnya : Perjanjian jual beli

B. Fungsi Abstrak

Fungsi abstrak adalah untuk memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat perihal hasil penelitian yang telah dibuat. Uraian yang hanya satu halaman tersebut memudahkan abstrak dimasukkan dalam jaringan internet. Hal ini dimaksudkan memudahkan anda mengetahui hasil penelitian tanpa harus membaca keseluruhan penelitian yang berlembar lembar. Sehingga abstrak membantu anda dalam mencari referensi dalam penelitian yang anda cari.

Adanya abstrak akan menghindari tindakan plagiasi oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Sebuah penelitian akan terlindungi jika hanya abstraknya saja yang ditampilkan dan diperluas di internet.

Daftar Pustaka

Daftar pustaka adalah semacam rujukan seorang penulis dalam menyusun karyanya. Daftar pustaka dapat kita temukan di makalah, laporan penelitian, skripsi maupun essay. Daftar pustaka penting perananya dalam sebuah karya tulis. Sebuah karya tulis besar yang tidak memiliki daftar pustaka bisa saja diragukan kebenarannya.
Daftar pustaka juga penting dicantumkan dalam sebuah karya tulis antara lain karena beberapa alasan berikut ini. Pembaca yang tertarik dengan topik yang kita bahas di karya tulis kita, tentunya akan lebih mudah dalam meng-cross check karya tulis kita jika kita mencantumkan daftar pustaka. Dengan mencantumkan daftar pustaka, kita sebagai penulis karya tulis juga sudah membantu para pembaca kita untuk mencari informasi lainnya yang berkaitan dengan tulisan kita.
berikut contohnya :
A. Buku dengan Satu Pengarang atau Editor

Bell, Stewart. The Martyr’s Oath: The Apprenticeship of a Homegrown Terrorist.Mississauga, ON: Wiley, 2005.

Biale, David, ed. Cultures of the Jews: A New History. New York: Schocken, 2002.

Bowker, Michael. Fatal Deception: The Untold Story of Asbestos: Why It Is Still Legal and Still Killing Us. N.p.: Rodale, 2003.

B. Buku dengan Dua Pengarang atau Editor

Bohlman, Herbert M., and Mary Jane Dundas. The Legal, Ethical and International Environment of Business. 5th ed. Cincinnati, OH: West, 2002.

Bolman, Lee G., and Terrence E. Deal. Leading with Soul: An Uncommon Journey of Spirit. Rev. ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001.

Calvesi, Maurizio, and Lorenzo Canova, eds. Rejoice! 700 Years of Art for the Papal Jubilee. New York: Rizzoli, 1999.

Cohen, Andrew, and J.L. Granatstein, eds. Trudeau’s Shadow: The Life and Legacy of Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Toronto: Random, 1998.

C. Buku dengan Tiga Pengarang atau Editor

Clancy, Tom, Carl Stiner, and Tony Koltz. Shadow Warriors: Inside the Special Forces. New York: Putnam, 2002.

Hewitt, Les, Andrew Hewitt, and Luc d’Abadie. The Power of Focus for College Students. Deerfield
Beach, FL: Health Communications, 2005.

D. Buku dengan Pengarang Lebih dari Tiga

Nelson, Miriam E., Kristin R. Baker, Ronenn Roubenoff, and Lawrence Lindner. Strong Women and Men Beat Arthritis. New York: Perigee, 2003.

Nelson, Miriam E., et al. Strong Women and Men Beat Arthritis. New York: Perigee, 2003.

Hogan, David J., et al., eds. The Holocaust Chronicle: A History in Words and Pictures. Lincolnwood, IL: International, 2000.

Pound, Richard W., Richard Dionne, Jay Myers, and James Musson, eds. Canadian Facts and Dates. 3rd ed. Markham, ON: Fitzhenry, 2005.

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